Hifz / Nazra

 Building a better afterlife

We proudly offer a dedicated Hifz and Nazra Classes, where students can embark on a journey to memorize the Holy Quran (Hifz) and improve their Quranic recitation skills (Nazra). Our experienced and qualified Quran teachers provide personalized attention and guidance to each student, fostering a nurturing environment for spiritual growth. Through regular practice and constructive feedback, students gain proficiency in reciting the Quran with Tajweed, ensuring proper pronunciation and beautiful recitation. Our Hifz and Nazra Classes are designed to instill a lifelong love for the Quran and strengthen the spiritual connection of our students with the divine word of Allah.



  • CLASS 5 (onwards) :               10-11 Years


Our Hifz and Nazra Classes follows a comprehensive and structured curriculum that aims to instill a deep understanding and appreciation of the Holy Quran in our students. The curriculum is carefully designed to cater to the individual learning needs and abilities of each student while maintaining a consistent pace of progress. Here is an overview of our curriculum:

  1. Nazra (Quranic Recitation):

    • Introduction to Arabic Alphabets and Pronunciation.
    • Basic Tajweed Rules and Principles.
    • Practice of Short Surahs (chapters) with Tajweed.
    • Emphasis on Clear Articulation and Correct Phrasing.
    • Recitation with Melodic Rhythm (Tarteel).
  2. Hifz (Quran Memorization):

    • Memorization of Selected Surahs and Verses.
    • Memorization Techniques and Strategies.
    • Regular Revision and Memorization Checks.
    • Progress Monitoring and Individualized Support.
  3. Quranic Understanding:

    • Brief Tafsir (Exegesis) of Selected Verses.
    • Understanding the Context and Message of Quranic Verses.
    • Connecting Quranic Teachings to Daily Life.
  4. Spiritual Development:

    • Encouraging Love and Reverence for the Quran.
    • Cultivating a Habit of Daily Quranic Recitation.
    • Fostering a Sense of Spiritual Connection with Allah.
  5. Special Recitation Events:

    • Regular Quran Recitation Competitions.
    • Reciting in Taraweeh Prayers during Ramadan.
    • Participation in Quranic Events and Programs.
  6. Character Development:

    • Promoting Values and Morals from the Quran.
    • Emphasizing the Importance of Kindness, Respect, and Integrity.

Our Hifz and Nazra teachers are well-versed in Quranic sciences and have a passion for nurturing young hearts towards the Quran. They provide continuous support, motivation, and encouragement to each student throughout their journey. We believe that the Quran is a source of guidance, wisdom, and solace, and through our Hifz and Nazra Section, we strive to empower our students with a profound connection to the Divine Word.

What Our Students Have to Say

"At this school, I've discovered my true potential. The teachers' encouragement and support have helped me excel in my studies and extracurricular activities. I'm grateful for the opportunities to grow both academically and personally."
Ali Hassan
"The teachers here truly care about our success. They take the time to understand our strengths and weaknesses, providing personalized guidance to help us improve. It's a warm and welcoming environment where I feel motivated to learn every day."
Ayesha Malik
"I love how fun learning can be here! The interactive lessons and creative projects make studying enjoyable. The teachers are approachable and patient, which makes it easy to ask questions and seek help when needed."
Ahmed Khan
"I've been part of this school since kindergarten, and it feels like a second home. The memories and friendships I've made here are unforgettable. The faculty's dedication and belief in us have helped me become more confident and ready for the challenges ahead."
Fatima Ali